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Vital Energy Breathing Color IV
A master-level 9-week course exploring the profound connection between vital energy and colors. Before you start this advanced journey, make sure to set your preferred language in the menu for the best experience. If you want the videos in another language, just switch it before you begin the course. This course takes a deep dive into the application of colors with vital energy, demanding a higher level of commitment and practice. Throughout the 9 weeks, each video, totaling 1 hour and 48 minutes, is meticulously crafted to guide you through the intricacies of Vital Energy Breathing Color IV. Topics covered in theory and practice include:
- Die application of colors with vital energy
- The color red with guided meditation
- The color pink with guided meditation
- The color orange with guided meditation
- The color yellow with guided meditation
- The color green with guided meditation
- The color blue with guided meditation
- The color light blue with guided meditation
- The color violet with guided meditation
- The color brown with guided meditation
Additionally, engage in 10 guided meditations, focusing on the positive effects of each color on the mind, soul, and body. Acquire advanced knowledge and skills, such as understanding the meaning of colors in vital energy applications and the positive effects of colors on mental, emotional, and physical well-being. The breathing and meditation techniques learned in this course empower you to achieve remarkable results:
- Work on your personality and promote desired characteristics
- Positively influence yourself mentally, emotionally, and physically
- Cleanse yourself from negative influences and release blockages
- Strengthen your joy of life and overall well-being
- Promote harmony and inner peace
- Increase vitality and self-healing processes
- Clean, vitalize, and create positive atmospheres in spaces
- And much more…
Embark on this master-level journey, commit to the exercises, and unlock the extraordinary potential to thrive in vitality, harmony, and well-being. Are you ready to explore the vibrant world of color and transform your life? Attention: This course is currently available in the following languages: English. We plan to release translations of the courses in the main languages (the same as available in our site translation menu) in the coming months. If you would like to be notified when the course is translated into your language, please provide your email address below and select your preferred language.
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1(Theory) Introduction
The application of colors with vital energy
2Our Special Concept of Teaching
3(Practice) The color red with guided meditation
1 Week Practice: Training with color red
4(Practice) The color pink with guided meditation
1 Week Practice: Training with color pink
5(Practice) The color orange with guided meditation
1 Week Practice: Training with color orange
6(Practice) The color yellow with guided meditation
1 Week Practice: Training with color yellow
7(Practice) The color green with guided meditation
1 Week Practice: Training with color green
8(Practice) The color blue with guided meditation
1 Week Practice: Training with color blue
9(Practice) The color light blue with guided meditation
1 Week Practice: Training with color light blue
10(Practice) The color violet with guided meditation
1 Week Practice: Training with color violet
11(Practice) The color brown with guided meditation
1 Week Practice: Training with color brown
12(Summary) Vital Energy Breathing Color IV Summary
Reflection on the training and consideration of possible applications
13The Ethereal Breath ChallengeUnveil secrets, test your knowledge, and discover the magic within each breath. Are you ready for the mystical quiz?